Why do you worry so much?

It is normal to feel worried before the dilemmas that life presents to us; However, there are people who worry all the time, to such a degree, that they develop an anxiety disorder and their vision of life changes.

The concern Excessive, accompanied by a state of continuous vigilance, muscular tension or irritability, are the central characteristics of anxiety disorder.

The person suffering from this disorder has great facility to to worry for many problems of daily life and it is very difficult to control that concern , explains the Dr. Pedro Moreno, psychologist and author of the book "Learning from anxiety: the wisdom of emotions".

According to the specialist, "those suffering from generalized anxiety seem to have a very sensitive radar to detect problems that may appear at any time. It is as if they find it difficult to adapt to everyday life, to its changes and to its continuous threats, but unlikely. "

In generalized anxiety disorder nothing is feared in particular but everything is feared at the same time. The person suffering from this anxiety disorder has a great facility to worry about many things and a lot of difficulty to control the worries.

This constant anxiety is manifested, logically, in symptoms such as: difficulty concentrating, restlessness, fatigue, irritability, muscle tension or problems sleeping.

The real problem facing a person with generalized anxiety is to distinguish what is possible from what is likely, so the output is to worry of everything.

In fact, according to the psychologist, this works to a certain extent because the excessive concern causes an intensive operation of the left cerebral hemisphere (which supports logical and rational thinking), and a certain inhibition of the right hemisphere, which is responsible for the image formation and that has more power to cause emotional disturbance.

"It's as if worrying too much, let's avoid to some extent imagine the consequences of the basic fears that come to our mind." However, the best way to deal with anxiety disorder is to face those that cause fear, as well as reinforce self-esteem and cognitive processes.

Video Medicine: Why We Worry All the Time and How to Cope (April 2024).