Why are unpunctual people happier?

As much as you get up early, are you always late? No matter the reason, but if you always run around to get there on time and you do not succeed, you may be happier than the punctual people .

Girls, I have a confession to make: I am chronically unpunctual . All my life has overwhelmed me this issue and I have made inhuman efforts to change this condition, more in this city where everything plays against you.

Arriving late does not mean I want to try a point or that I'm worth the time of others ... it means that I am unable to arrive on time, and leave early, where I have to go.

When I found this article I felt 100% identified ... I passed them to you:


"Today I got up at 6 am ... 3 hours before I have to get to the office. Even so, I arrived 10 minutes late to my work.

This is common for me ... I'm always a few minutes late, it does not mean anything, I do not want to prove any point, and I do not think I should have a special set of rules for me ... it's just the way I am. "

This part happens to me every day:


"Do it, I'll always look at the clock and think 'wow ... I still have a lot of time.' One or 2 activities later I will have only 40 minutes for a 45 "journey.

It happens exactly like that every day ... I think I have to leave at 10.30 if I want to go by bike ... at 10 I say, yes, I'm perfect for some time and for some reason they will give 10.40 and I will continue at home.

According to the doctor Diana DeLonzor the unpunctual people have been unpunctual all our life, for any type of activity, good or bad.

Very little research has been done about it but it is believed that people who are always late are connected like this and the problem can be traced back to the lobes of the brain.

We are not lazy, unproductive, inconsiderate or selfish, we are not trying to insult anyone with our unpunctuality, it is simply part of our psyche and our personality.

This is neither good nor bad (although it is usually very annoying for punctual people in our life) but it does have some benefits that I had not seen before:

We are fundamentally hopeful. People who live chronically late believe that we are going to achieve it, we believe that we can finish things on time, we believe that we will arrive, we believe. This can make us seem unrealistic (yes, we do live in a candy world) and very bad to calculate time, but the reality of things that we are optimistic.

And being an optimist is something good for life ... Maybe not for the time of others at specific times, but to maintain a positive attitude towards what comes.

Maintaining a positive outlook is vital to be successful and happy. Research has shown that happiness increases productivity, creativity and the ability to work as a team.

Being unpunctual does not make you a bad employee, it makes you a good one under this perspective. Yes, maybe you have to wait a couple of minutes, but you will arrive with all the necessary attitude to make things happen.

In the University of San Diego They did a study that relates tardiness to B personality types, which are more extroverted and easier to treat.

According to them, people with this type of personality see the complete painting and think of the future as a world full of possibilities. Being chronically unpunctual has some advantages in personality ... but we do try that our unpunctuality do not spend more than 10 minutes. Arriving 10 minutes late is reasonable, making someone wait for 30 minutes has no kind justification.

Video Medicine: How to Master Thinking & Create the Life You Want - Law of Attraction (April 2024).