Whole or refined?

Publications of Relay Health , through Austin Regional Clinic (ARC) , explain that refined grains are ground and processed to give a finer, softer texture and increase the expiration time, so that nutrients such as iron, vitamin B and dietary fiber are eliminated.

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Whole or refined?

Refined grains and foods made from them, contain more calories and generate little satiety, increase the level of triglycerides and quickly raise the level of glucose in the blood. Therefore in GetQoralHealth , we present a list of refined and whole grains for you to make better decisions:

Whole grains: brown rice, amaranth, quinoa, triticale, oatmeal or oatmeal, popcorn, bread, crackers, pasta, whole wheat tortillas and bread, whole grain barley, cornmeal, whole rye and wild rice.

Refined grains: flour tortillas, corn grits, noodles, pasta, pita bread, buns and white flour bread, white rice, white flour.

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The University of Reading , in the United Kingdom, carried out research to evaluate whether whole grains behaved like prebiotics to benefit the intestinal flora. The researchers found that, a regular consumption of whole grains, increased the number of bacteria considered beneficial; as there was an increase in the counts of lactobacilli and bifidobacteria, which decreased the number of "bad" bacteria (of pathogenic potential).

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How to differentiate a whole grain to a refined one?

Look in the nutrimental label for the words "whole" (integral) or 100% whole (100% whole) either in Spanish or English, these words must always go first to other ingredients such as "weath" (wheat); since this indicates that whole grains are the main ingredient of the product.

According to the Report of the Advisory Committee on "Food Guides of the United States" , consuming three servings of whole or whole foods daily helps to reduce the risk of chronic diseases such as diabetes, coronary heart disease and contribute to maintain stable body weight. Know your food!

Video Medicine: Are Whole Grains REALLY that Healthier than Refined Grains? (May 2024).