5 tips against cholesterol

To decrease high levels of cholesterol and keep them to an adequate extent, the first step is to follow a diet correct The general recommendations for a diet of control of cholesterol , are equally useful for anyone who wants to start adiet healthy although its levels ofcholesterol be normal.

For a balanced diet, carry out the following steps:

1. Reduce the consumption of fats in general to no more than 30% of the calories totals of the diet . The fats , they can be of several types:

  • Saturated fats: They are those that favor the deposit of cholesterol -LDL in the arteries. They are mainly found in the animal kingdom, in fatty meats, sausages, milk, cheese, butter, etc. And in some vegetable oils such as coconut and palm.
  • Polyunsaturated fats: They are those that protect arteriosclerosis because they produce important decreases in total cholesterol , as well as LDL and HDL. They must be consumed in the diet, since the organism is unable to synthesize them. They are found in some vegetable oils and especially in blue fish.
  • Monosaturated fats: Increase the cholesterol -HDL and is found in olive oil.

2. Follow a low cholesterol diet : This must contain less than 300 mg of cholesterol up to date. Some foods, although relatively low in total fats, have a high cholesterol content, such as: liver, seafood and eggs.

3.Eat a diet rich in proteins of plant origin : Increase the consumption of these in substitution of proteins of animal origin. Soy is a good example of vegetable protein with high biological value.

4. Eat more fiber : This is constituted by non-digestible carbohydrates, helps to lower blood levels of cholesterol , this effect is due to the fact that it reduces the intestinal absorption of fats by the body and helps to eliminate cholesterol. Vegetables, fruits, legumes, bran and oats are foods rich in fiber .

5. Increase antioxidant nutrients : Substances that counteract the oxidation of LDL, since these lipoproteins have an important role in the formation of atheromatous plaque (cholesterol deposits) and in the uptake of cholesterol in the blood vessels, so they prevent arterial deterioration and prevent the formation of thrombi. The most important are thevitamins C and E, elselenium and beta-carotene and are present in vegetables of intense color (pepper, spinach, carrots, pumpkin, etc.) and fruits (citrus fruits, strawberries, kiwis, etc.).


Effect of physical exercise on cholesterol figures

The practice of exercise Although this is moderate, it has a very beneficial effect on the levels of cholesterol , since it helps to reduce them in an important way.

Also the exercise :

  1. Facilitates weight control. It helps reduce blood pressure. It improves the levels of lipids (fats) in the blood, lowers triglycerides and increases the HDL-cholesterol ("good"). Remember to consult with your doctor before starting any program of exercises , especially if you have a history of heart disease or overweight important.
  2. Alcoholic beverages and cholesterol

Reduce the consumption of alcoholic beverages, is another of the useful measures for the control of cholesterol , and this is because:


  • It favors the loss of weight contributing to the control of obesity, due to the excess of additional calories that it contributes. It contributes to the control of blood pressure . It reduces the levels of triglycerides in the blood, improving the dyslipidemia.

Guide for a low cholesterol diet

Here we present a simple guide of foods that you can consume, those that you should consume in moderation and some that you will best avoid.

Bread and cereals

  1. Consume freely: bread, rice, pasta, cereals (whole grain) and crackers
  2. Limit the consumption of: egg-based Italian pasta
  3. You should not consume: bread or biscuits made with egg or butter, like croissants

Fruits and vegetables

  1. Consume freely: all fruits and vegetables
  2. Limit the consumption of: avocado, olives, potato chips in vegetable oil
  3. Avoid the consumption of: chips (chips), potato chips in unsuitable oil, coconut

Eggs, milk and milk derivatives

  1. Consume freely: milk, yoghurt and non-fat dairy products, or "light". Egg white
  2. Limit the consumption of: milk, yogurt and semi-skim milk products. Whole egg
  3. You should not consume: whole milk, cream, cream, desserts made with whole milk, fatty cheeses

Fish and seafood

  1. Consume freely: fresh fish, white flakes, blue fish, tuna in water or "light"
  2. Limit the consumption of: cod, sardines, squid, prawns, crab
  3. You should not consume: shrimp, fried fish

Meats and birds

  1. Consume freely: chicken and turkey without skin, rabbit
  2. Limit the consumption of: beef, veal, lamb, pork and ham (lean parts), chicken or veal sausages
  3. You should not consume: sausages in general, bacon, commercial hamburgers, sausages, organ meats, duck, goose or pâté

Oils and fats

  1. Consume freely: olive oil, sunflower and corn
  2. Limits the consumption of: vegetable margarine
  3. You should not consume: butter, lard, bacon, bait, palm oil and coconut

Desserts and sweets

  1. Consume freely: fruit jam, honey, sugar, cakes made with skim milk, sorbets (fruit snow), fruits in syrup
  2. Limit the consumption of: flan without egg, custard (without egg and skim milk), marzipan
  3. You must not consume: chocolate, cakes and desserts that contain whole milk, egg, cream or butter, commercial cakes

Nuts and seeds

  1. Consume freely: almonds, hazelnuts, chestnuts, nuts, dates and raisins
  2. Avoid the consumption of: coconut

Seasonings and condiments

  1. Consume freely: stir-fries, pepper, mustard, herbs, vinaigrette, "light" dressings
  2. Limit the consumption of: salt, mayonnaise, béchamel sauce made with skim milk
  3. You should not consume: sauces made with butter, margarine, whole milk and animal fats


  1. Consume freely: mineral water, fruit juices, teas and coffee. Table wine
  2. Limit the consumption of: soft drinks with sugar, beer and alcoholic beverages
  3. You should not consume: drinks with chocolate, coffee with cream

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