Who is Elba Esther Gordillo?

Elba Ester Gordillo , leader and lifetime president of the National Union of Education Workers (SNTE) , was learned by the Attorney General's Office (PGR) for the alleged crime of operation with resources of illegal origin and embezzlement of more than 2 thousand 600 million pesos, according to excelsior.com.mx

The sum for which she is accused involves the diversion of 2 million spent in beauty clinics, department stores and art galleries. According to Attorney General of the Republic, Jesús Murillo Karam , the deviation of a little more than 17 thousand dollars from the SNTE accounts to clinics related to aesthetic and reconstructive surgeries was detected, which reflects in his personality.

Secret is not that because of the multiple surgeries to which the teacher has submitted, has largely separated his speech, body language or physiognomy, causing an unclear personality. Although their words say one thing, there are specific features that, through a physiognomic analysis, reveal more than the same.

Starting from the fact that the face is a genetic part, another part is influenced by the environment, and another large part is composed of thoughts and emotions; do an analysis of a face with Cosmetic surgeries You can lose some natural elements that would normally help diagnose a personality.

However, his facial features, expressions and movements speak of a lack of acceptance of his reality and fear of aging, according to Renata Roa Moreno, consultant in public image and facial communication.

In this sense, the specialist can highlight a series of features that allow you to know a little more about your personality, despite the many surgeries to which he has submitted:

1. Eyes The eyes is the faction that changes the most throughout our lives. They reflect a calculating, analytical and even manipulative woman. The "gift" to convince and persuade by his words has always had it, but now it has been emphasized with greater force. His gaze is more dominant, focused and full of anger.

2. Eyebrows. The eyebrows are definitely the effect of the processes to which it has been subjected; however, in a natural process, the eyebrows rise with the emotion of fear. In this case and with the context of his whole face, we can say that his expectations are high and here this manipulation capacity appears again.

3. Jaw . The jaw is emphasized by experiencing the emotion of anger. Her face has become more square and speaks of a woman very inflexible to other ideas, with a high capacity for discipline and very attached to what she believes.

4. Mouth. It is the second faction that changes our face. However, in your case it is also seen that it has been modified. It is likely that at this age, his lips have been reduced in size, as a natural process of emotions that are more marked on his face. That mouth speaks of a very dramatic person who has experienced many disappointments.

His body language, beyond showing power and strength, spoke of a person who feels continuously threatened, so one of the main emotions that express their movements and personality, is the defense and attack. He's an intelligent person; however, he has an inefficient handling of his emotional intelligence.

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