When talking about sexual issues, men and women often say intimacy lies either by presumption, by looking good before the couple or by attracting attention.

"When talking about sex, men and women tend to lie in ways in which they have relationships, they exaggerate in time, quality and in many cases it is the opposite of what they relate," says Terri Fisher, professor at Ohio State University. .

In the study headed by this researcher, the objective was to place the students a supposed detector of lies to know their sexual customs, but what they did not know was that the device did not work and thus managed to make a list of the intimacy lies most outstanding.


"I've never done something like this"

Let's face it, this lie almost always comes from women in order that the couple does not think they have much experience or want to make Superman feel. Forget about giving explanations and fully enjoy your sexuality.


"You grabbed me tired"

When a man can not do any more battle in bed, he resorts to this phrase, shielding his low performance from external causes such as work or stress.

Video Medicine: I've never done something like this before.. (April 2024).