What's behind ...

Know that means 5676977? This number circulates in the social networks since the last weeks of June . Through an image ask that you look for its meaning in Google .


Want to know a secret? 5676977 Google it , so the image appears with a black background and white text.

If your curiosity is so great, when you type this number in the seeker what appears is the patent of a supposed cure for AIDS, Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome .


What's behind ...

The HIV AIDS it is a deadly disease that affects 34 million people in the world. In Mexico you have the record of 10,322 cases , according to statistics from National Prevention Council .


Until now do not there is medicine what heal is disease , despite decades of Medical Investigation .  

However the 5676977, what has been done viral in Internet , refers to a patent , issued by the United States Patent Office , which ensures the existence of a method that destroys agents pathogens and suppressors of the immunity of virus through.

The license of this supposed medicine, establishes that a single intravenous injection of Tetrasil (tetraplate tetroxide) kills the virus of the AIDS by silver ions, which act directly on the agents pathogens and remains that may remain in the body .

AIDS affects 34 million people in the world. In Mexico there are more than 10 thousand registered cases

Video Medicine: Halo 3 - What's Behind The RvB Easter Egg Door? (April 2024).