Make your starts have positive consequences!

Do you sometimes act on impulse and do not analyze what consequences your behavior or decision will bring? "An impulse is a desire that seeks to be satisfied and generates a state of tension in the body ", highlights Adriana Ortiz, the psychologist with expertise and specialty in psychoanalysis.


In an interview for GetQoralHealth, the specialist of the Patient Assistance Clinic of the Psychoanalytic Society of Mexico (SPM) He points out that all human beings seek to satisfy our desires and to be in a state of comfort and relaxation ".

Adriana Ortiz points out that Freud identifies two types of impulse: Eros, which are those of life, related to love, union, social connections. And the tanatos, impulses of death, which are identified with the destruction, annihilation and disintegration in general.


Make your starts have positive consequences!


"All our acts and impulsive decisions are part of the daily life of people, which can have positive or negative consequences," says Adriana Ortiz.

The psychologist explains that acting quickly without planning too much can generate a positive consequence such as getting away from danger or making a profit. Meanwhile, the negative consequences generate aggression or damage to third parties.


Overcome them effectively!

The specialist details that an impulsive person is characterized by being impatient, acquire risks or adventures, have little judgment, have a lack of planning and there is a need to seek an immediate reward, but how can these episodes be overcome or channeled positive?

1. Identify the moment and origin of impulse outbursts

2. Check your emotions : anger, sadness, fear, despair

3. Take a time out. Count to 10 to deal with the situation in a better way

4. Create a space to reconsider and think about the consequences that your behavior will bring, whether positive or negative

5. Find an activity that downloads impulses and reduce the stress . An example is exercise, reading a book, listening to music.

The psychoanalyst Adriana Ortiz points out that it is important to identify how often these episodes go by, since if they are permanent they can be a more serious health problem, such as a behavioral or psychological disorder, which should be treated with a psychoanalyst or psychiatrist. And you, at what moment do you act on impulse?