What influences this problem?

In general, pregnancy is a stage of love, understanding and attention. However, when it occurs in adolescence, it is usually an adverse life experience, marked by family refusal, school dropout, loss of friendships, feelings of guilt and even depression.

70% of women who have sex during adolescence - between 15 and 19 years old - express that they do not want to get pregnant, but most do not use any contraceptive method due to ignorance or fear of being judged, explained the researcher of the UNAM, Patricia Piñones .

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What influences this problem?

"In general, they do not resort to contraceptives because they do not want their parents to know they have a sexual life. Another factor that influences is the lack of social skills to negotiate condom use with the couple. However, pregnancy is not the only consequence, but the risk of transmission of sexually transmitted diseases such as AIDS or the Human Papilloma Virus. "

According to a survey conducted by the Mexican Institute of Youth, the young people begin their sexual life between 15 and 19 years old. And although more than 92% of the interviewees know a contraceptive method, only 6 out of 10 use any.

Although in recent years, statistics in Mexico show a decrease in the number of teenage pregnancies, motherhood at this stage of a woman's life is a social problem, with repercussions on the health and emotional state of the young woman mother and her son.

In accordance with Patricia Piñones, academic secretary of the University Program of Gender Studies of the UNAM, adolescent mothers face a higher risk of losing their lives during pregnancy, childbirth and the period of recovery after the baby is born. In the early stages of pregnancy, many of them hide their condition and spend months without medical attention.

In addition, the abandonment of studies and the distancing of friends, wreaks havoc on their mood and this affects the welfare of the child; Many scream and mistreat the child because they are desperate to assist him.

In urban areas and at certain economic and educational levels, maternity in adolescence is considered a serious error, women are expected to continue their studies and practice a profession. While in rural regions, being a mother is not only a desire, but a requirement of the community, since it is part of the expectations placed on being a woman.

In Mexico, approximately one in five women under 30 lives their first pregnancy as a single woman. In our country, added the researcher, it is necessary to expand the information on the adequate use of contraceptives, as well as sex education programs that allow young people to know their body, exercise their sexuality without risk and without fear. In addition, it is essential to offer them access to professional training and well-paid jobs, as adolescents have development options, postpone motherhood.

Video Medicine: How A Messed Up Childhood Affects You In Adulthood (May 2024).