Watch your nerves!

September is for many Mexicans a celebration occasion, since it commemorates the Mexico's independence. However, there is a member of the household that this date attracts suffering: pets. This is because your hearing is very sensitive to the noise of the pyrotechnics or "rockets".


The hearing ability of dogs It is 60 thousand cycles per second, while that of humans is 20 thousand cycles per second, which means that the dogs can pick up sounds that we hardly perceive, like the sounds emitted by the rats, they also detect weak sounds coming from greater distances than the human perceives.


Watch your nerves!

With this sense of hypersensitive ear , imagine what a rocket explodes near where your pet it can cause Many dogs get nervous and some, in their eagerness to find a place to hide, end up running away from home.

If you pet suffers from noise caused by pyrotechnics , take into account the following recommendations:

1.- If she gets very nervous, barks or meows incessantly, she trembles and does not want to eat. Perhaps it is best to take her to the veterinarian to provide her with a sedative. Never use any of human use because it can be counterproductive.

2.- Take him for a walk in the afternoon to release energy and be more relaxed.

3.- If you tend to have it in the patio or garden, it will be better to put it in a room with the doors and windows closed, so you feel more secure.

4.-Put music or turn on the television in the room where you keep your pet to try to mitigate the noise produced by the pyrotechnics.

5.- For this occasion, he allows him to stay in the place where he feels most secure, whether in an armchair, on the bed or under a piece of furniture; Many dogs and cats seek refuge beneath them.

6.- Do not keep it tied and make sure it has enough food and water since some animals experience more thirst when they are anxious.

7.- You can also put some cotton plugs in your ears to reduce the noise you perceive.

8.- It is natural that you seek to be with your owner, so be patient and talk to him affectionately.

Remember that pyrotechnics not only harm your pet, but also the environment, try to avoid using it.