Wasp waist!

There are some areas of the body that are more complicated to model, including the waist. A difficult area to mold even with diet. However, exercise is a good option to combat the accumulation of grease in this area.

The method Pilates consists of a set of physical exercises specially designed to strengthen and tone the muscles without increasing the volume of these. It is a discipline that allows to stylize the figure through the sequential and fluid realization of moves specific.


Wasp waist!

The pilates exercises not only will they help you to feel better with yourself, they will also allow you to wear a spectacular waist. Here we offer you four movements to achieve, with information from Pilates trainer Mark Gates, from Puerto Rico.

1. Roll Dow. 6 series. Sit with your feet together and your knees bent with a soft ball in the back. Extend your arms as if reaching the wall in front of you. Relax your shoulders and lie down on the ball.

2. Twist. In the same posture of the previous one, exhale and turn from one side to the other from the waist. When turning do not move your legs.

3. Hundred. Raise your chin to your chest and lift your shoulders off the surface. Then, lift your legs and try to keep them at 45 degrees. Stretch your arms and begin to raise and lower them vigorously.

4. Roll-up. Join your knees and tighten your abdomen. Then, take your hands up. Raise your chin to your chest and roll upwards, little by little. When you go to exhale, squeeze your abdomen and roll down, little by little.

Keeping this exercise routine will not only allow you to wear a beautiful waistline, but it will also improve your health. Remember to do 30 minutes of exercise a day is beneficial to your whole body in general.

Video Medicine: Magda Matwiejew "Wasp Waist" (May 2024).