Sleep better to lose weight

A study published in the newspaper Pediatrics indicates that when children are given the opportunity to recover the dream lost during the week, when staying in bed more time on rest days, could decrease the chances of developing overweight I obesity .

Doctors of the University of Chicago they wanted to determine how much dream they get healthy kids. To achieve a precise measurement, the researchers used an actigraph, a specialized motion captor, instead of using the information offered by the parents; they often overestimate the amount of sleep of their children with a margin of error of between 60 and 90 minutes more than they actually sleep.

The information published on the portal , notes that the researchers also wanted to determine if the duration of the dream was related to the risk to the obesity , as well as the tendency to develop cardiovascular diseases Y diabetes .

The study monitored sleep patterns of 308 children between 4 and 10 years of age and obtained their Body Mass Indexes (IMC); discovered that minors who had schedules of dream regular and slept the number of hours recommended per night had the lowest risk of having obesity .

On the other hand, children who slept less and had irregular sleep schedules had more than 4 times more risk of gain weight . In the investigation it was discovered that children deprived of dream that they could compensate for the hours lost over the weekend reduced that risk by 4 times so as not to suffer obesity or overweight.

In this regard, the doctor David Gozal , boss of Department of Pediatrics at the Children's Hospital of the University of Chicago , said: "The lack of dream in children, youth and adults, can have significant adverse consequences on the body, such as gain weight , reduction of memory , lower cognitive performance , lack of attention Y concentration , as well as behaviors of hyperactivity. "

Gozal pointed out that if you want to live happily, the best option is to set dream consistent with the number of hours babies and children really need:

"If you lose two hours of dream Every night during weekends (that is, if you sleep 6 hours instead of eight), you accumulate a "debt" of 10 hours of sleep. If you sleep 10 hours a day this weekend (two hours more than you need), you will have paid only four of the 10 hours you owe. "

However, Gozal warns that sleeping on weekends and holidays only partially works and does not make the risks associated with the disappearance disappear. Lack of sleep and to the schedules of irregular sleep , especially in adults: "People should not see it as the easy way out, but it's better than doing nothing about it."

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Video Medicine: Lose Weight while you SLEEP ~ Listen Every Night (April 2024).