Vitamin B

What we consume every day, can influence our mood; the calories, nutrients and minerals in food can alter the behavior of all of us; because, If you are depressed, blame your diet.

A study published by Department of Sensory Science , India, reveals that the lack of some substances in the body can alter mood. It could even cause irritability or depression.

These are the foods that can not be missing in your diet so that it does not impact your mood:


Vitamin B

This vitamin contains tryptophan , which produces serotonin and improves mood. Some foods that you can consume are:

Oats, legumes, nuts and onions.

Vitamin C

You find this vitamin mainly in citrus fruits. Strengthens defenses and avoid infections.

Consume orange, grapefruit, kiwi and lemon


Fatty acids

Fatty acids like Omega 3 , causes the release of stress and negative emotions through neurotransmitters.

You can consume blue fish, salmon and walnuts

Food is essential for the function of the organism and mood, depression is due to the lack of certain substances in the brain, so we can say that If you have felt depressed, it may be because of your diet .


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Video Medicine: What in the World is: Vitamin B (April 2024).