Visual health is measurable with diopters

The view It's very important; through it, everything that happens around us is observed, small details are appreciated; However, the Genetic heritage and some unhealthy habits can trigger refractive errors .

This type of eye disorders appear when the eye can not clearly focus the images and generates visual impairment, which can be corrected with the use of lenses .

For a person to use the appropriate glasses, they must undergo a test to define the number of diopters what you need to see clearly.

According to the specialists, a diopter is the unit of measurement used to estimate the power of a lens : the more diopters have, the greater the ability to make convergence or divergence of light.

For example, a lens of a diopter has the ability to focus light to one meter; the two diopters he does it at 50 centimeters; and the three diopters , at 33 centimeters. These measures are intended to compensate the magnitude of each individual's defocus.

It is important to note that a lens with diopter negative corrects the myopia , whereas a positive notation helps to decrease the farsightedness .

In an interview for GetQoralHealth, the ophthalmologist, Arturo Castillejas, explains what are the most common eye defects such as myopia , farsightedness , astigmatism Y tired eyesight ; as well as the alerts that help its early detection:

If you detect that you have problems to focus the images and you should make gestures to read texts, go to the ophthalmologist, who will give you an adequate diagnosis, as well as the correct diopters necessary for your glasses. And you, do you use graduation correct in your lenses?

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Video Medicine: Eyeglass prescription (May 2024).