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The famous phrase: "Everywhere beans are cooked", besides being a saying full of ancient wisdom and more than used by grandmothers, it helps to illustrate the situation that regardless of the type of courtship you have or are used to, the differences money management can be given and even be final for your relationship.


Unpostponable topic

Tere Díaz and Manuel Turrent, authors of the book 29 keys to finding a partner, from Editorial Grijalbo, explain that talking about economic resources among those who enjoy a relationship is also talking about love:

"Our concrete practices with money in the couple reflect and express very precise ways of loving the other and loving oneself. We are not saying that money is exchanged for love, but that the management of it projects if our way of wanting is controlling, subordinating and suffocating, or contributing to generate conditions of development and growth ".

It is not unusual to find some lovers who enjoy the honeys of romance until, for a certain situation as it is an extraordinary expense of one of the turtles, the other applies the division of money under the criterion of yours is mine and mine, mine , or even worse, while one pursues an economic improvement and strives for it, his pair walk through life with the phrase "while I live and you work, everything is going well baby."

Aspiring and building equity in a loving relationship can be a firm beginning in any love story, if you have not yet stopped to reflect on this, now can be a great time and maybe if you have some ideas that hurt or alienate your gallants instead of approaching them, you can get rid of them.

If you think about it carefully, you will be able to tell if you have chosen the gentleman who owns your sighs and kisses. I know that the administration of expenses and income is not a sweet and tender topic for a couple of lovers, but it is basic for you to establish whether or not they are compatible, otherwise you can open a gap between both, difficult to heal or in a more delicate situation, convert the management of resources into a mechanism of blackmail, control and manipulation, instead of union.


The authors recommend asking you:

1. Are you willing to share the expenses?

2. Are you looking for someone to support you in the economic?

3. Do you have clarity of what you want in the plane of money and are you willing to speak it?

4. Are you splendid or mean?
In addition to asking him:

1. Does it bother you to talk about money openly and reach agreements?

2. Do you think that the economic issue has a weight in relationships?

3. How did you handle this issue in other relationships?

4. Who was in control of your courtship?

"Life as a couple is rich in satisfactions and opportunities, but at the same time complex, so it will always be better to anticipate the areas of conflict, among which the economic is a central issue," the authors comment and conclude: "Remember the saying 'clear accounts, long friendships', or in your case, 'courtship or long marriage', and of course against inequality. "

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