5 applications that improve your health

Currently have a healthy lifestyle is imposed on bad habits as is smoke , drink excessively, have a life sedentary , etc. that over time trigger different types of diseases that damage health. While it is true that it is not easy to change habits, there are technological tools that facilitate this transition and improve your health. Do you want to know which? Keep reading.

1. My.Drinkaware.co.uk: if you think you have exceeded your drinking time; this application helps you measure the amounts of alcohol you are ingesting, calculates the caloric expenditure And if that were not enough, it also calculates economically what you are spending on a night out. Enough to acquire it already.

2. Sleep Cycle: It is an alarm clock that controls your movements and determines which phase of the dream you are in. It suggests the hours you should sleep and sets the ideal hours to have a restful sleep. Alarms are soft and subtle sounds.

3. GymPact: this application starts from the idea that the exercise It is a Chinese torment for you and you hate it. Then establish a pact with your credit card; Every time you do not do physical activity, you incur a fine. So whenever you want to skip the gym you'll think twice.

4. Intelli-Diet: provides a daily caloric goal; you enter data about the exercise what you have done and what you have eaten during the day. It allows you to calculate the colors that you have consumed, those that you lack or, failing that, those that you already exceeded.

5. Quitsmoking: This application tells you how many days you have subtracted or added to your time of life when you stop smoking or on the contrary when you do it in excess. Provide tips and videos of motivational, in those moments of crisis in which the anxiety for a cigarette takes over you.

Use technology to your advantage! Make these tools your best allies to feel better.

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