5 pilates myths

The pilates they are a series of exercises that allow to lead an active and healthy lifestyle, so many people, including celebrities like Madonna, Gwyneth Paltrow, Lebron James, Kobe Bryant, Tiger Woods and Hugh Grant realize it as a habit.

To do this, a relaxed environment is needed, where direct communication between the instructor and the student is allowed. The benefits of pilates They are supported by doctors and physiotherapists. However, there are many myths and misconceptions around you such as the following:

Myth 1: Help you lose weight : A 2006 study found that the weight and the body fat they did not decrease in women who practiced this routine; however, it improves flexibility and strengthens the abdomen.

Mito2: It's only for women : This is totally false. The method pilates it was invented by a man (Joseph Pilates); In addition, some athletes use these movements as a perfect complement to weight training and cardio. However, it is widely used by women, because it tones the muscles of the lower abdomen and the pelvis, which is very important for maternity and urinary function.

Myth 3: Special machines are needed : It is true that a type of training pilates it requires the use of special machines, but with other movements they are not necessary. All the basic principles of movement can be done on a mat.

Myth 4: Pilates strengthens your body : Pilates will significantly improve your abdominal muscle endurance, because most of the exercises They focus on the abdomen and lower back. Do not forget to do a whole body routine to have a better conditioning.

Myth 5: It is only used to strengthen the abdomen : It is a good technique to strengthen the different abdominal sections. In addition, you can use the muscles of the body to generate athletic and strength movements. Improves concentration, breathing and your position.

By clarifying these myths, you can choose a routine that fits your needs; just remember that the pilates they will not help you lose weight but it will strengthen your whole body.

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