Types of pain

The pain it is a subjective symptom that warns of a change regarding the balance in the body, which originates as a biochemical reaction in the brain , specifically near the ceruleus nucleus (cerulean locus), explains the neurologist Edith Alva Moncayo, secretary of the Pediatric Neurology Society .

In an interview with GetQoralHealth, the member of the Mexican Council of Neurology explains that the pain causes manifestations of discomfort or discomfort, which correspond to the response and tolerance of each person, which is known as pain threshold .


Types of pain

Each person responds differently to this type of stimulus generated in the brain , which travel through the central nervous system (spinal cord) due to the synapse, the communication that occurs between neurons and that transmits to the rest of the body and area in which the pain .

Regarding the classification of pain , this depends mainly on its location, but it is also usually considered its intensity, frequency, duration and the manifestations that accompany it; so to say of the specialist, the pain in general could be classified as:

1. Visceral pain. It manifests in the membranes of the viscera.
2. Pleural pain . It manifests around the lungs.
3. Meningio pain . It manifests in areas of brain and nervous system.
4. Surface pain . It manifests immediately in the nerve terminals of the skin.
5. Acute pain . Its duration is less than two weeks.
6. Chronic pain . Its duration is greater than three months.

Over the pains more frequent, Alva Moncayo explains that the headache it is the most frequent, because its causes are infections, traumatisms or bruises and neoplasms or tumors. The second most frequent they attend is stomach or visceral pain.

The most frequent treatment for pain It is the administration of analgesic drugs, however, it indicates, this must be in accordance with the underlying cause and its manifestations.

Video Medicine: How Many Different Types Of Pain Are There? (April 2024).