Tips to take care of the skin

The couperose is a condition considered to be one of the skin diseases which is commonly confused with rosacea ; however, according to the Spanish Academy of Dermatology and Venereology , it appears not only to a greater extent during the winter due to the cold, but also represents a vascular alteration to consider, so it is important to learn how to prevent it.

The couperose it is a vascular type alteration, especially of the venules and arterioles; is located mainly in the cheeks , chin and cheekbones, in addition to this alteration is much more frequent during the winter in women of thin skin, pale and sensitive that reddens easily, since it is a skin More transparent than basic care can be prevented.


Tips to take care of the skin

The couperose is one of the most common side effects of cold in our skin , which manifests as vascular spider veins especially in the cheeks , which can be eliminated through laser therapies, but can reappear if you do not have the necessary care during the winter, so it is important to avoid:

1. Sudden changes in temperature or other factors that aggravate vasodilation such as a hot bath or a spicy dish (worsen redness).
2. Exposing to cold temperatures without covering the face, as well as heat sources such as chimneys, thermal blankets or radiators.
3. Use of aggressive soaps, chemical peels or exfoliants
4. Water with a lot of chlorine or very calcareous
5. Solar radiation and UVA lamps
6. Stress and exhaustion
7. Avoid the consumption of alcohol, tobacco and exciting substances, as well as maintain a diet rich in vegetables and fruits.

In addition to the above advice, specialists recommend that during the winter there is a hydration, be careful with the type of makeup and, to prevent couperose , dress appropriately during the coldest hours of the day.

Video Medicine: Acne Prone Skin Care : Tips to Keep a Good Skin Complexion (May 2024).