This is how millions of people see

There were no symptoms. No blurred vision, no stitches, no headache, I even lost part of my vision without noticing it. At 19 I was diagnosed glaucoma . I have an operation and for 20 years my eyesight depends on a few drops. The option: adapt or never To return to watch" .

The story of Laura , an executive who resides in New York , it is understandable for more than 60 million of people at world suffering from this condition that limits its quality of lifetime .

Within the framework of World Glaucoma Day , which is celebrated this March 12, the ophthalmologist Arturo Catsillejas explains what is this disease, the types of glaucoma , its causes, the measures of prevention , as well as treatment options.


This is how millions of people see

According to the World Health Organization (WHO) , the glaucoma It is the second cause of blindness in the world.