Shape your figure and take care of your heart

Be in movement is one of the ideal measures to start lose calories , besides giving us Energy , there are certain exercises that helped to burn calories Y to protect the heart , everything depends on the intensity and frequency with which it is practiced.


Texas Heart Institute affirms that the exercise cardiovascular or aerobic allows the body to use the oxygen more efficiently, which gives important Benefits to the heart , lungs Y circulatory system" .


Shape your figure and take care of your heart

The exercise cardiovascular is he who increase the heart rate to a level where you start to sweat. If what you are looking for is burn body fat It is advisable to train 30 to 45 minutes for four or more days per week, add Texas Heart Institute .

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Remember to start with 5 to 10 minutes of preheating , with gentle movements to raise the heart rate slightly, followed by 20 minutes or more of any of these exercises cardiovascular .

1. Run. This is one of the best exercises cardiovascular for burn grease and even help reduce the risk of death by heart disease , regardless of the speed that is applied and even with a few minutes a day provides benefits.


A study published in Journal of the American College of Cardiology concludes that run counteract the risk of dying for a heart disease, even in cases of people with obesity , smoking Y diabetes , since it reduces blood pressure, decreases glucose production, protects the lining of the arteries, among other benefits. "

2. Swim It is another of the ideal activities for burn grease and at the same time it benefits your cardiovascular health by stimulating blood circulation and favoring oxygenation to the brain . With swimming you get to burn between 523 and 869 calories In a 45-minute workout, according to the style that can be swim free, some studies indicate.

According to the Spanish Heart Foundation , the styles of swimming most suitable for heart patients are fathom , style free Y back , the butterfly is contraindicated. Preferably in a swimming pool because on the beach it demands more effort and increases the pressure; the temperature of the Water Ideal is 25 to 30 degrees, cooler produces fatigue.

3. Riding a bike. It's one of the exercises aerobics ideal to eliminate calories but also for to protect you heart . The caloric burn depends on the travel Y effort but with a moderate intensity you can burn 180 calories per hour on a flat road, explains American Council on Exercise .

The Spanish Heart Foundation ensures that those who suffer heart conditions can enjoy good health if they use the bike more often because it helps increase the heart rate , which it's reduce the risk of suffering a heart attack of myocardium.


A study of University of California concludes that cycling 32 kilometers a week could reduce until 50% the risk of developing a heart disease" .

If your wish is to lose those kilos of more but you suffer from some heart disease it is very important that consult with your doctor who will properly indicate you the exercise ideal, depending on your condition physical, age Y habits

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