These insects can make you sick in summer

People who spend a lot of time abroad in summer must be careful with the insect bites , according to an expert.

Certain insects, such as ticks and mosquitoes, could carry diseases, including Lym disease and Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever, says Dr. George Ruggiero, chief of family medicine and director of medical education at Peconic Bay Medical Center in New York.

Anyone who suffers headaches, fever, chills and pains after the end of the season flu I should think about the possibility of having a sting. People who have a rash should also go to a doctor, he adds.

"A combination of education and taking the right precautions are the best ways to prevent diseases caused by mosquitoes and ticks "Ruggiero says," Always be aware of your surroundings and examine yourself diligently to prevent any serious reaction. "

Other steps that can be taken to protect yourself from insect bites this summer are:

Cover yourself with clothes

Wearing long sleeves and long pants makes it harder for insects to bite you. The pants can also be tucked inside the socks for added protection. Once you are back inside, do a "tick check".

Apply a spray against insects

DEET effectively repels both mosquitoes and ticks. Permethrin works as well, but it can only be applied to clothes. Picaridin is another insect repellent, but only protects against mosquitoes.

Consider the garden

Fences can prevent deer and rodents that carry insects from entering your garden, where they can leave ticks and mosquitoes. In some cases, it may be helpful to throw a spray in the gardens to control ticks and mosquitoes.

Protect pets

Talk to a veterinarian about the best way to avoid bites from ticks and other insects. Protecting pets can also help make sure they do not bring insects home.

Check the environment

While participating in any activity abroad, it is important to consider the likelihood that some deer or other rodents live in that area. There will be ticks wherever these animals go.

If you discover that you or your pets have a tick, remember that it is important to remove it. The best way to remove this insect is with a pinch, says Ruggiero. Grasp the tick as close as you can to the skin and lift it slowly and continuously, he advises.

Now you know, take care of the insect bites and enjoy the days outdoors.

Video Medicine: 7 Things You Should Know About Bed Bugs (April 2024).