The success of training for the brain

Nowadays, they are known as the process of mental exercises to stimulate brain functions and trigger their subsequent cognitive development. Jigsaw puzzles, video games, logic games, and other thinking exercises are now used to help the brain.

They are used by rehabilitation clinics to help patients, mostly elderly, improve their mental abilities. If practiced consistently, authorities argue that they can improve memory, concentration and reduce symptoms related to Alzheimer's .

They are also known to improve visual judgment, and in general, mental abilities diminished by aging.

Learning and change

Before, scientists thought that the network of the brain was rigid, because of aging. What we know today is that the brain can be shaped and transformed, even in the elderly. The training follows the concept of plasticity, which says that the brain is always learning and changing.

Commercial games and others

There are several products on the market to increase brain functioning. Leading companies make interactive games that offer math, logic, reading, and other challenges designed as "mindbands."

There are other alternative routines, of course. You can do crosswords, Soduku, logic games and other mental sports. The main rule is simple, practice improves memory, visualization and reasoning ability.


Neurobics and other advice

The secret is to make connections with new knowledge. Remember the past events update the sights, smells and sounds and make them new again.

In neurobics, the trick is simply changing daily routines. Sit in another place from your usual position at the table. Brush your teeth or comb your hair with your other hand, even if you feel uncomfortable and difficult to do it for the first time.


As in physical exercise, practice is the key to future improvements in your mental abilities. Do these exercises every day. You will soon discover that you can do more.

In addition to all this, do not forget about good nutrition and regular physical exercises. Good health and good nutrition are a prerequisite to improving your mental abilities.


A good memory is simply making mental connections. How does verbal sound work? What thoughts does it bring to the mind?


Visualization is a good mental exercise. Choose an object and try to remember everything you can about it, the smells, colors, time of day, people around, etc.

Think about what and how you felt then happy, sad, euphoric? Try to remember everything. If it was a vacation on the beach, can you still remember the smell of the sea, the sensation of the breeze, the sound of the waves?

Spend about 15 minutes visualizing. Repeat every day with a different object.


Reasoning is one of the most important functions of the brain. A very good way to practice, would be the question "Why?"

Just thinking about the possible answers to questions about the things that interest you, forces your brain to use logic and intuition.

Video Medicine: How To "Train Your Brain" For Success | Tim Shurr | TEDxValparaisoUniversity (April 2024).