Take care of the health of your skin!

Our skin in contact with the environment is exposed to several pollutants that cause alterations in it.

The National Institute for Safety and Hygiene at Work He mentions that the most common skin disease is generically called dermatosis, and that it ranges from redness to something more serious.

The skin serves as a protective cover for the organism, prevents the loss of body components and restricts the entrance to harmful agents, but it is also an important way of access to pollutants to the body.


Take care of the health of your skin!

Some of the factors that are possible causes of the alteration of the skin are:

Exposure to chemical agents: the effects are a consequence of contact or the deposition of aerosols on the skin or scalp.
Exposure to physical agents: in which heat, cold and ultraviolet radiation stand out
Exposure to agents: biological: caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites.
Mechanical factors: pressure, irritation or accidental damage.

About this in GetQoralHealth we present the following video of Angeles Hospital , where you can learn how acne can affect the health of your skin.

Some recommendations for skin care are the following.

Hygiene: use soaps that contain natural nutrients such as aloe vera, oats, milk and walnut.

Protective creams . Use moisturizers to protect the skin from ultraviolet rays.

Liquids Ingesting abundant liquids will help hydrate your skin and eliminate toxins.

Video Medicine: How to Tighten Skin on My Face With Cold Water : Natural Medicine & Health Products (May 2024).