Cream to moisturize your skin

A good natural remedy and homemade to moisturize your skin is to use the cream in the form of a mask to apply it, because thanks to its fats beneficial, helps moisturize and nourish it so that it feels smoother and looks radiant.

Used in a particular way to dry skin, the cream , like others dairy products employed in cosmetics, it is good to cure allergies to dust and to deeply hydrate your skin.

Therefore, in GetQoralHealth we tell you how to take advantage of the benefits of cream with this mask, according to


Cream face mask


3 tablespoons liquid cream 1 egg yolk Juice or lemon juice 1 tablespoon honey

preparation: Beat the tablespoons of liquid cream until thick. Add the yolk, lemon drops and honey to form a cream.

Once the cream is formed, spread it on your face for 20 minutes. Take care that the side parts of the eyes and cheekbones , where dry skin is usually noticed.

As soon as the time has finished, rinse with warm water and ready. Apply it every day, preferably at night, so you'll soon see your results.

Remember that the cream It is an excellent alternative to moisturize, clean and whiten your skin, besides helping to heal small rashes and prevent imperfections in the face.

Video Medicine: Best Moisturizers to Help Every Skin Type for Clear Skin ✨Dry, Combo, Sensitive & Oily Skin (May 2024).