Low cholesterol with pink champagne

Drink a glass of pink champagne low the cholesterol and help prevent cerebrovascular accidents , so it can be as beneficial as the Red wine to reduce the risk of heart disease, and evenof Alzheimer's , according to a study conducted at the University of Reading, UK.

It is considered that pink champagne It's good for your health, because it contains more antioxidants than its conventional version. Same as him Red wine , contains phenols that help maintain the arteries clean of deposits of grease , caused by high levels bad cholesterol .

This reduces the risk of atherosclerosis , condition in which arteries harden and narrow, which restricts the supply of blood . Which is considered an important risk factor for the heart disease Y cerebrovascular accident .

In their research, scientists gave people a diet which included a 375 ml glass champagne , to later apply tests of cholesterol , in which they obtained these results.

The new one diet allows the consumption of alcohol; In fact, it is recommended to drink daily from 1 to 2 units of champagne. One glass of the beverage contains only 91 calories and, in view of the fact that the bubbles reach the bloodstream faster, a person consumes less alcohol . However, it is noted that women they should not drink more than three units a day (equivalent to two glasses).

The diet it requires drinking regularly pink champagne and a healthy meal. This strategy restricts food consumption to 1200-1400 calories per day, which must come from nutritious, high-quality and tasty products.

Video Medicine: ALCOHOL BENEFITS || Lets Checkout (April 2024).