Jessica Simpson seeks to recover her figure

The American singer Jessica Simpson , who is waiting for her first child with the former football player Eric Johnson, is determined to recover her figure after her pregnancy , so he signed a millionaire contract with Weight Watchers, to use their routines and their diets.

Based on information from New York Post , the actress received several offers for lose weight , once she has given birth to her firstborn; However, he accepted the offer of this company that will give him three million dollars.

The goal of the actress, according to information published by , is to look beautiful and resplendent on your wedding day.

However, Jessica Simpson is enjoying the stage of pregnancy , where their hormones They are close to the surface and cravings present themselves at every moment.

Yoga and pregnancy

If you are pregnant as Jessica Simpson, specialists recommend practicing yoga , because it prevents the increase in weight excessively and generates a feeling of wellbeing during this stage, thanks to the realization of exercise physical, mental and spiritual.

In the following video, some routines to stretch the spine are explained:

This discipline prevents or corrects problems of posture, reduces discomfort such as back pain, sciatica , cramps, heartburn, insomnia and promotes breathing deep and calm

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