Take a risk!

How many times have you dreamed of having your own business or dedicate yourself to what you really like? Maybe gaining time to do more things or just having less stress are some of the reasons; however, there are others more for which you must be your own boss.

According to a study conducted by the Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung , people who have their own business or work for themselves are happier than those who work for an outside company.


Take a risk!

However, there are other reasons why you should undertake this adventure, backed by some companies such as Oriflame, who has opened its new corporate and service center in Parque Lira, Mexico City, due to its high number of sales.

1. It gives you freedom

There is no boss that requires deadlines for the delivery of a document or be stressed by delivering something on time.

2. You balance your work and personal life

You decide the time when you will do the work and the work you do to do housework.

3. You take risks and enjoy the rewards

Every effort generates a reward, so you can enjoy this relationship much more.

4. You decide who to work with

In a company it is difficult to find the best co-workers, who like you and do their work in harmony.

When you are your own boss you have the opportunity to decide or choose the people that will be with you in this adventure, as well as the companies with which you want to work that have values ​​for their employees and for the clients. And you, do you dare to be your own boss?