Stress at school

Stress is a natural response of the organism to the different situations that we live every day and that demand answers, for which, the body and the mind are activated, generating a healthy alert tension.

However, it is important to learn to control stress because, when this tension is exceeded in time and intensity, it generates a negative impact on the person causing illnesses or dysfunctions in their daily lives.

For people, particularly for children, the fact of facing new or unknown situations generates this stress called stress, which is why it is fundamental that from a young age we develop the necessary skills so that, consciously and voluntarily, we learn to control the stress. For this, it is essential to develop the emotional intelligence .

At present, the lifestyle of our society is very stressful; the labor demands, the rhythms in the big cities, the over stimulation of information, among other aspects, have led us to alter our natural rhythms of life. This, without a doubt, impacts children in a special way.

Both at home and at school, the new generations manifest the symptoms of this life overloaded with demands and tensions that trigger in: aggression, depression, learning problems, attention problems, apathy, indifference, physical or psychological violence.

To avoid negative consequences, children should be helped to develop a sense of order, safety and well-being, to control stress. Therefore, appropriate conditions must be given both at home and in the classroom, to encourage their growth and the development of the emotional intelligence

One of the weapons to combat and control stress is, precisely, the emotional intelligence , which starts from self-knowledge and self-regulation; pedagogical foundations that help the child to learn without stress in a harmonious environment.

Children spend a lot of time in school, where there are multiple stressors, so it is essential that learning programs are focused on them, in their different learning styles and in the stimulation of multiple intelligences, rather than only in the content .

The pedagogical models must start from the relationship that exists between people, either between the teacher with his students, or the relations between the students as classmates.

It is recommended for parents that at home accompany their children constantly, observe their behaviors and both physical and emotional responses to any situation.

It is essential that parents facilitate communication with their children and the expression of their feelings, that is, not minimize their fears or concerns and listen with respect to their concerns; The calm and state of relaxation of parents will be the best example for children and to control stress.

Video Medicine: Exam Stress Releasing Tips and Techniques (April 2024).