Are they overprotective parents?

Do you consider yourself an overprotective parent? One of the main characteristics of overprotective parents is when we confuse the way we express our love; that is to say, the affection is demonstrated by making it easier for the children to carry out their tasks, thus preventing them from striving to obtain something they need.

It also happens when we avoid any unpleasant situation or we resolve conflicts or thinking that it gives us a reason to be, it makes us feel important and we have control of the whole situation.

To avoid these situations and identify if you are an overprotective parent, pay attention to your reaction when your child asks for something and before agreeing to do so, ask yourself:


  1. Who is it, him or me?
  2. Can you do it by yourself?
  3. Is it an exception that helps you or is it a generality? Because if it's up to him, he can do it and I always help him or I'll do it ...

If we analyze what is overprotection in practical terms, it is putting a limit or placing an obstacle in the development of our loved one, which generates a dependent attitude.

There is a rule in learning that it is important to meditate in this case, the lack of practice is directly related to the lack of acquisition of the skill, moreover, the lack of practice what it really does is that there is no chance to generate behaviors new ones that lead the person to accumulate achievement and this lack of success, is the cornerstone of many behavior disorders.

When we overprotect, we damage the great opportunity to expose our child to opportunities to practice skills already acquired or to generate novel behaviors to test them and see if they are effective in handling a problem.

Behaviors of overprotected children

  1. Fear
  2. Insecurity
  3. Difficulty adapting to new situations
  4. It is not helpful
  5. Accustomed to having things done
  6. Children of the same age range are more independent
  7. Only perform the activities if someone helps
  8. He does not like to make an effort and this puts him in a bad mood.
  9. Requests things with bad attitude, either screaming, crying, etc.
  10. Clumsy
  11. He has no initiative
  12. Weakness
  13. Applicant
  14. Demanding

Characteristics of overprotective parents

  1. They perform school activities
  2. If other children bother him, he interferes to defend him
  3. Feed him, dress him, bathe, comb,
  4. Does not allow him to attend outings with peers of his age
  5. Check everything he does.
  6. Use fear to protect it
  7. Answer for him
  8. Ignores, covers and justifies their mistakes.
  9. Never allow other adults to correct it
  10. He feels guilty when I do not help them

The best thing you can do to educate independent children is to let them exploit their development and only guide or supervise them in the process. And you, how many activities do you do for your children?

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Video Medicine: 5 Ways Helicopter Parents Can Affect You (April 2024).