Fear of darkness originates phobia

In psychological terms, the esophophobia it is defined as a persistent, abnormal and unjustified fear at shades . It originates mainly during the childhood , when you usually have fear to darkness or to the night . In adult life, this phobia can incapacitate the sufferer and cause him numerous Emotional problems .

The shades occupy a part of our fears since we are children , and to many people this fear he never abandons them, even in adulthood.

Is belief or fear comes from very remote times, because both the presence and the absence of shades they relate to different rites and beliefs , pagan or religious.

From the anthropological point of view, for example, it was believed that soul (connected to the shadow ) he could leave the body and go to the next life; many feared that a be strange , like a vampire or a ghost, take over the shadow and, therefore, the soul .

Psychologists consider that in most cases of phobia , the threat It is unreal. However, what are very real are the discomfort and the feeling of anguish and uneasiness that cause the sufferer.

Although the appearance of a phobia may vary in each person, it is known that they may be due to certain behavioral problems more serious. The specialists propose that some phobias they learn and they are associated with some experience past that left a deep mark on the mind of who suffers.

There is another idea that proposes that phobias they are the expression of something that the unconscious He can not handle otherwise. The good news is that almost all phobias They have a cure It all depends on the sufferer recognizing that they have the problem and have a true desire to be cured.

This is more complicated than it seems because many times, as part of the defending that the person is formed psychological level , such is the case of negation .

In this sense, there are fears as the esquiofobia which involve situations and reactions that go beyond the person, so it is advisable then to seek professional help.

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Video Medicine: 25 Strange Phobias You May Not Know You Have (April 2024).