Practical Guide

40% of your happiness s e based on only one thing: decision, ensures Sonja Lyubomirsky, psychologist of the University of California. How to start? A good option is to write, no matter what it is; This relaxes your state immediately, since it distracts your attention from negative emotions.


People who cultivate a positive mind are more likely to achieve success after a challenge, "he says.Shawn Acor, in the Harvard Business Review.


Practical Guide

For the psychologist Rocio Rocha it is no longer necessary for you to continue asking, how to be happy? To achieve it, it provides the following steps. Try it!

1. Speak truthfully. Especially with you. Do not lie about your state of health, your financial situation, the state of your relationships with others. Honesty is the starting point to improve, change and solve.

2. Renunciation of what could not be. What you could not have, what it is not. Do not live lamenting and complaining about what you did not have. Learn to say "this is what there is" and with this I must continue.

3. Prioritize Give importance to what is important: your health, your relationships with those you love, your well-being. When you start to embitter or irritate something, ask yourself: Will this be important in 5 years?

4. Take care. Nobody can do it for you. You must take care of your body, your mind, your relationships, your home, your work.

5. Keep only the relationships that nurture you. A mental health signal is when the person identifies beings that can be nurturing and encourages them and maintains those relationships.

6. Solve pending. If you have debts, pay them and stop spending sterilely. If you do not have your will or have legal or health issues. The more light trips, the farther you will go.

7. Remove the garbage. Things you do not use, clothes you do not wear, relationships that hurt you, books you do not read, papers that no longer work. That sickens and hinders the flow of your life.

8. Rest and have fun. Every day he plans how and when to rest. Laugh, have fun, have sense of humor, learn new skills

9. Comply with your responsibilities. Be punctual, give value to your word, do not promise what you can not fulfill, do not commit to do what you do not want.

As a last advice: Learn to be alone Practice the practice of deliberate loneliness It is one of the greatest gifts you can give yourself. If you learn to enjoy your company you will depend less on others, you will have opportunities to think and know better than you want.

Video Medicine: The Practical Guide To The Universe (1 thru 5) (May 2024).