Shaving and acne

Nowadays, men are increasingly concerned about projecting a personal image Healthy and stylish. A lot of it has to do with your face and the care that they provide, such as keeping a beard or shave .

A well-shaped padlocked beard can be synonymous with elegance, however a shaved man project greater trust Y neatness , is a style that in labor issues may be more appropriate, indicates David Navarro , director of Image Excellence Consultants .

If the second option seems more attractive to you, in the next video, Álvaro Gordoa , consultant in public image of School of Public Image , gives you the best tips to get a shaved off perfect.


Shaving and acne

On the other hand, if you have problems with the acne , you must take special care shave , because this wrong action can irritate your skin and cause the condition to get worse.

The American Academy of Dermatology , indicates that if you have acne In the face, experiment with electric machines and conventional rakes, to discover which is the best option for your skin and that does not cause damage.

It is also better that the blade is perfectly sharp and that you shaves in a "light" way to avoid scratches, never try to eliminate the acne with the rake, since this will only make the situation worse.

If you want to reflect a good image and at the same time take care of your skin , follow these tips for a shaved off perfect. It looks spectacular!

Video Medicine: Put an End to Adult Acne (May 2024).