How are inflammatory effects measured in food

The inflammation can not be alleviated with medication, it must be treated through a diet anti-inflammatory, so says the Barry Sears, expert in biochemistry at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and author of The Zone Diet, a Program integral for control dietary of the hormonal response.

In accordance with Sears , the inflammation what happens within the cells can be measured and is known to be a determining factor in the developing of a large number of chronic diseases , including diabetes , heart disease Y Alzheimer's . According to Sears, if we control this inflammation silent through a anti-inflammatory diet , we will obtain a maximum quality of life.


How are inflammatory effects measured in food

Food affects inflammation in a complex and unpredictable way. According to the estimation method IF Rating System , there are some foods what they favor the processes of inflammation and others that are clearly anti-inflammatory: foods with a positive IF grade are anti-inflammatory; those who have negative degrees are inflammatory . The higher the number, the stronger the effect. For example:


  1. 1 cup of brown rice has an IF of -206 (high inflammatory)
  2. 1/2 cup of skim milk has an IF of -14 (low inflammatory
  3. 1 cup of melon has an IF of 28 (low anti-inflammatory)
  4. 1 cup of steamed broccoli has an IF of 110 (high anti-inflammatory)


7 basic steps for an anti-inflammatory diet

Following the advice of Dr. Sears , we must consider the following points to carry out a diet Anti-inflammatory:


  1. Fruits with higher FI values ​​are the cantaloupe , the Red grape , the raspberries Y strawberries , and the vegetables What helps us most are the carrots , Garlic , onion , spinach Y potatoes .
  2. It is advisable to use aromatic herbs Y spices . Most have a high content in photochemical Y antioxidants with properties anti-inflammatory . The best ones are the ginger , the rosemary , Garlic , oregano, curry Y turmeric .
  3. Let's consume blue Fish whenever we can. Blue or cold water fish is the richest natural source in fatty acids Omega 3 , the fat anti-inflammatory . The best fish are the tuna , the Salmon wild (not farmed), herring, trout and sardines . Also the algae , white fish and seafood, especially the seaweed of Japanese food (iziki, wakame, nori) and oysters.
  4. It is highly recommended to eat a handful of nuts without toasting every day. Nuts are one of the few foods with a good proportion of Omega-3 fatty acids and omega-6 of vegetable origin. Other nuts rich in unsaturated fatty acids with anti-inflammatory effects are flax seed, almonds , hazelnuts Y pistachios .
  5. You have to learn to choose well the oils . The oil of olive , almond Y avocado contain fats with effects anti-inflammatory . Avoid coconut, palm and margarine oils. It is advisable to dress the meals with a spoonful of these oils and avoid heating them in frying, since they lose their healthy properties.
  6. Let's eat "anti-inflammatory meat". Chicken is high in arachidonic acid and has a negative value in the inflammation factor (-14). However, the IF of the Pork Meat is +13; if the pork has been bred to the natural, the meat and the ham contain acids monounsaturated fatty acids like olive acid, less inflammatory.
  7. The best dairy To avoid the negative effects on inflammation, we must choose milks Y dairy s of ecological livestock since they contain multiple beneficial substances. It is better to consume milk and yogurt semi-fat and fresher cheeses like curd , panela , ricotta Y mozarella .

One last tip: drink tea because it is an important source of antioxidants natural as polyphenols one of the most powerful. A cup of Green Tea , Pu-Erh or White they are a remedy anti-inflammatory Traditional and highly recommended. Preferably and whenever possible, it is convenient to choose food organic .

Video Medicine: How to Dramatically Reduce Inflammation (May 2024).