Remember that…

At present, although the timely diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease does not mean that it can be cured, there are medications that delay the onset of its effects, according to the doctor. Luis Enrique Amaya, specialist in neurology at the National Institute of Neurology and Neuroscience (INNN).

Therefore, it is essential that neither the family nor the patient himself minimize the importance of following the drug therapy and the occupational therapy promptly, which will allow a better quality of life.

The specialist explains that it is important to consider that despite factors that increase brain aging, which predispose the development of this disease, such as gender (being a woman), smoking, hypertension, diabetes, metabolic syndrome or atherosclerosis, anyone can suffer it.

After 70 years, the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease is greater, so it is important to be alert to any change in behavior, if there are frequent forgetting, from the simplest to those that represent a greater risk, as well as if there is disorientation of place, time and person.

If some of these symptoms are present, it is necessary to go to a neurology specialist to make a diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease or other condition.


Remember that…

Everything will change if a condition of this magnitude is present in your life or in that of a loved one.
Therefore, he comments Luis Enrique Amaya , that it is essential to keep in mind that the patient requires permanent surveillance of an adult, also recommends putting into practice the following actions:

1. Know everything you need about the disease
2. Have daily sessions of intellectual activity , how to arm puzzle , solve games sudoku and read at least 1 hour a day

3. Make cardiovascular exercise

4. Keep in mind elements that surround it (dates, names, usefulness of things)
5. Have the confidence to say anything that distresses you.

Although science has advanced by leaps and bounds, any achievement loses its potential if it minimizes its function and the contribution it can offer in favor of the patient, so the best way is to trust the treating physician, his knowledge and his commitment to provide to any person the possibility of living with quality despite Alzheimer's disease. "Prudence empowers your words"