Mind your eyes!

In many occasions the various technological devices such as computers, cell phones, tablets generate visual stress, which can produce pseudo-myopia, so it is necessary to follow some tips to relax the eyes or make an eye spa.

According to the doctor José Luis Merino Saldaña, member of the Mexican Association of Pediatric Ophthalmology Ensures that the eye spa includes two elements: relaxation and eye protection.

"The term spa for eyes is a neologism and a modern term that denotes eye relaxation exercises and the protection we must have against environmental factors," says Merino Saldaña.


Mind your eyes!

You do not need to go to a special place to enjoy a spa for eyes, you can do it from the comfort of your home or office, even when you feel tired, just follow the following recommendations from doctor José Luis Merino:

1. Upon awakening. Sit on the bed and slowly move your eyes from right to left, while we breathe deeply and softly. This favors cerebral oxygenation and eye mobility is favorable.

2. Elevation of eyes. Look at the ceiling without moving your head, that is, you will only move your eyes up and down slowly, while you breathe slowly and deeply.

3. Circles Make circular movements of your eyes from right to left for a few minutes and then change the direction from left to right.

4. Relaxing compresses: If at the end of the day you feel a heavy eye you can take a cold compress. Take a little cotton, soak it in cold water, squeeze it and apply it to your eyes giving a gentle massage.

It is important that when you get home and before applying the compresses you rest a few minutes, so as not to do so suddenly.

5. Rule 20X20X20. After 20 minutes of work in front of a computer, stop and remove the sight of the monkeys for 20 seconds, blinking 20 times softly and slowly, to keep the surface of the eye moist and hydrated and avoid eye fatigue.

These exercises are useful for people of any age and should be complemented with proper protection against ultraviolet rays and environmental factors.

That is, when you go out on the street uses photosensitive technology lenses to protect your eyes from some damage to the retina and promote relaxation.

Do not forget to visit your doctor once a year, to perform a thorough eye examination and prevent visual diseases. And you, how do you consent to your eyes?

Video Medicine: Stolen Babies - Mind Your Eyes (With Lyrics) (May 2024).