Reduces knee pain in 5 steps

According to the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons (AAOS), it is normal for runners, jumpers or cyclists to experience knee pain during their training routine, due to the pressure exerted on them.

There is even a condition called runner's knee, which is registered by inflammation of the lateral part of the knee, joint malalignment and chondromalacia patella (softening and decomposition of the cartilage).

The AAOS, as well as the largest Gustavo Azcona, Orthopedist and Traumatologist at the Hermosillo Regional Military Hospital in Sonora , detail that there are various factors that trigger this type of discomfort when running as:

  1. Poor alignment of the kneecap
  2. Total or partial dislocation
  3. Some injury
  4. Pressure or weakness of the thigh muscles
  5. Flatfoot
  6. Improper training or bad heating
  7. Hard surface lands
  8. Inadequate or worn footwear

Reduces knee pain in 5 steps

To avoid those stinging and unpleasant pains when running, as well as improve your exercise routine, follow the following tips:

1.- Right footwear. Choose some shoes that fit your needs and the type of terrain in which you run, the cushioning you need according to your footprint. It is advisable to change them every six to nine months.

2.- Take care of your figure. Overweight generates more pressure on the knees, so take a balanced diet and exercise routine to help you avoid overloading.

3.- Stretching exercises. Orthopedists recommend stretching each muscle group for at least 20 seconds. Jorge Rodríguez, Sport City training specialist t and explain some exercises to take care of your knees:

4. Intensity and moderate distance. Avoid sudden changes in intensity when running. Increase strength or duration gradually. Also, do not increase your mileage by more than 10 to 15% per week.

5. Choose the land well. Try to perform your training routine on a soft, resistant, uniform surface and avoid the inclinations; If you have to do it, try jogging in a zigzag.

When you feel knee pain, it is best to start walking and take a break. Also, leave time for your body to recover. Do not forget to go with a specialist if you do not give up the discomfort.

Video Medicine: Tips for Preventing Knee Pain When Exercising (April 2024).