Characteristics of IRA

Data of theFederal Health Secretariat (Ssa), point out that theAcute respiratory infections (IRA) are diseases that affect both boys and girls, and can occur in the nose, ears, throat, bronchi and lungs.

They are caused by pathogens such as viruses, bacteria, fungi and parasites. Of these, viruses are responsible for most infections that may be minor, such ascold , until serious as thepneumonia .

In this regard, theNational Survey of Health and Nutrition (ENSANUT) 2012, reveals that the IRA has an incidence of 44% in children under 5 years of age, and in children less than 1 year old, the prevalence is almost 39%.

At a press conference,Francisco Espinosa , specialist in pediatrics and immunologyNational Institute of Pediatrics (INP) , stated that frequent episodes of ARF can cause short-term medical complications:


This is especially reflected in a state of nutritional deficil in infants, at the same time the social environment and the cognitive development of the children are affected ".


Characteristics of IRA

According to the Ssa, if children have symptoms such as cough,headachefever , poor general condition, hoarseness, pain or discharge from the ear and / or blocked nose, may be suffering from an acute respiratory infection.

Thepneumonia it is the most serious complication, and if it is not treated in time and in an appropriate manner it can cause death. In the case that minors present difficulty in breathing:


His ribs sink when he breathes, he breathes very fast, he complains, he hasfever very high and difficult to control, the most important thing is that you go to the doctor urgently to protect the life of the child. "

Given this panorama of high IRA presence, Farmasa Schwabe launches a powerful triple action immunomodulator (antiviral, antibacterial and secretomotor), with the aim of reducing the frequency of these conditions.

According to Dr. Espinosa, this drug alleviates and diminishes the effects ofrinusitis , thepharyngitis tonsillitis and theacute bronchitis .


How to prevent?

The Ssa, says that there are simple hygienic measures with which you can prevent these respiratory diseases such as:

- Wash your hands frequently.

- If you do not have water available, use alcohol in gel to hold your hands.

- When coughing or sneezing, cover the nose (respiratory label) with the internal angle of the elbow or use disposable handkerchiefs.

Remember to avoid self-medication and go immediately to any health center if you detect any of these symptoms.

Video Medicine: Chikungunya - Characteristics, Sequelae, Diagnosis & Management | Dr Ira Shah (April 2024).