Get over it and enjoy the love!

Many times the fear of rejection It is the culprit that a person does not fully live a relationship. It is therefore important to learn to overcome it, but how can it be achieved?


"When it comes to dating, rejection becomes a threat to integrity. It is the social exclusion that most impacts a person ", explains Mario Guerra, relationship expert for

The psychologist mentions that the fear of rejection It is both cause and consequence of many of your frustrations in love and, like all fears, it can be a great engine that makes you flee or a huge wall that paralyzes you in life.


"Fear is projected into the future, anticipates a negative result, the product of one or several distorted beliefs of the type 'I do not deserve to love me,' my destiny is to be in solitude 'or' I'm worthless'."


Get over it and enjoy the love!

1. Recognize that you are afraid

It is essential that you accept the fear of rejection . By doing so you can question the origin of your fear.

2. Do not fight it

"Trying to convince yourself that" nothing happens "or that" you do not already have it "are not usually useful strategies. It also does not help to see him as an enemy to overcome or something that alters life.

Remember that he is someone who wants to take care of you. Listen to their objections, which may be "you're going to look ridiculous", "you'll think you're a fool" or "do not do it!". Listening to them does not force you to obey them or even believe them; they are things that your fear thinks, so thank you for wanting to alert you.

3. Doubt of the certainties

When you are afraid it is natural that you think about the future and build a story of everything that will happen.

The best thing you can do is change your negative thoughts: "Do not talk to him, he sure laughs at you"; for more realistic things: "I'm not so sure, I would not have to do it; I'll try".

4. Start with a friendship

Before approaching a person for romantic purposes, approach for friendship purposes, from that moment you can decide if you really have an interest in forming a relationship.

Of every 10 attempts we have when approaching a person for friendly purposes, we only have success in 3

Video Medicine: ENJOY IT! LOVE IT! GET OVER IT! (May 2024).