Emotional support in diabetes

If you have to live close to a person who has a treatment of diabetes , it is possible that on more than one occasion you have questioned his decision not to carry out any activity with which he had already committed and assume that every time he says he feels tired or indisposed, he wishes to draw attention.

These mood changes and the fatigue in those who live with diabetes occur and are not the product of the imagination, rather they can be a sign that, in fact, it is not happening well and it is advisable to review the medical treatment to which it is subjected, as well as it is valuable to verify that it is not depression .

Observe when the disease occurs, consider the patient's age and life habits, help detect the true cause of their mood and physical capacity.

In an interview for GetQoralHealth , the endocrinologist and diabetologist María Elena Sañudo ,  explains some complications generated by diabetes:

The majority of those who are diagnosed with diabetes , have a negative antecedent of the condition, either because they know cases of people who did not receive the pertinent attention and, therefore, the physical exhaustion was greater or because the concept of "chronic degenerative disease", is assumed as a sentence of death , although the reality is different.

This explains why they can fall depression that detaches them from their spirits. "These ideas influence the way in which the individual develops, this feeling of loss and vulnerability, emotionally affects, the quality of the dream , they develop insomnia and this is reflected in their abilities, "says Dr. Martín Yáñez Reyes.

At the physical level, says the specialist, the decline can respond to the fact that the recommended care is not followed, doing so ensures a better quality of life, since the concentrations of sugar in the blood, the blood pressure , the functioning of the organism, reduces alterations of the extremities, of the white organs and affects the mood and confidence.

The effective way to avoid manipulation is to provide support, understanding, company, respect for their fears and concerns, as well as generating communication networks so that the patient with diabetes can express freely and without fear to be judged, their needs and the positive or negative effects with respect to their health. Remember the principle of misunderstandings in the inability to tell the truth fully.


Tips for a better understanding

1. Create any symptom that describes you, understand it and seek an answer together.
2. Make a list of changes that occur both emotionally and physically and talk to the doctor.
3. Have a variety of activities both active and passive, in order to have entertainment whatever your mood.
4. Do not let it stop at negative thoughts , talks with the patient and highlights the positive aspects of his life and his person.
5. Let him express himself freely and do not feel recriminated when he chooses to leave his occupations.

These are some steps you can take to support a person suffering from diabetes . The path of this disease is long, so it requires perseverance in every effort to combat it."Know yourself, sculpt your character" .

Video Medicine: Type 1 Diabetes + Mental Health: Setting the record straight (April 2024).