Recover it and enjoy love!

To have good manners is synonymous with education, which helps to have better emotional ties with others, so it is essential that they are also an important part of our relationship. partner .

The routine is the great enemy of relationships, as it ends with those details that managed to make your partner ; In addition, trust also influences that these aspects gradually disappear from your love life.

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Recover it and enjoy love!

In accordance with Veronique de Miguel, couples specialist , those details that you took so much care to impress the person you were interested in, you must keep them throughout the relationship .

So that you partner I'm still in love with you, it's enough that you take care of the following manners and have more consideration than you think, think and feel. Do not neglect them!

1. Greets . Say good morning with a warm kiss and a big hug will make your day spectacular.

2. Ask how it is. In this way you will show interest and concern for what happens to you.

3. Listen out. Put aside any electronic device that distracts your attention and stare into your eyes when your partner speaks to you.

4. Open the door. This chivalrous gesture is synonymous with the interest that exists in you and in the welfare of the other.

5. Eat together . Even if you are very hungry, try to wait for your partner to feel or help him or her to make the process faster.

6. Respect your privacy Give him a break and let him do activities that he likes.

7. Procure your image. Good hygiene and a nice appearance will make your partner fall in love every day. Do not neglect yourself!

8. Speak clearly and in a medium tone. Even if they are very upset, try to maintain a tone of voice that does not alter the behavior of the other, that is, avoid shouting and insults.

9. Respect their tastes . Even if you do not share the same opinions and tastes, show interest and support your partner when you need it.

10. Think before you talk. This is basic in the relationship, since you can hurt your partner and those wounds are the most difficult to heal.

Remember that having good manners is synonymous with respect, affection and love. Therefore, never give things for granted and always show the things you feel at that moment. And you, what good manners do you have with your partner?

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