3 ways to get to the minds of footballers

Training in the field of sport it is governed by certain parameters such as: the physical, technical, tactical and psychological factors. The four set the characteristics that distinguish the athletes and its improvement, increasing the probability of success in the different actions.

Through time, the physical aspects they have been the most important and studied; However, over the years, the interest in technical and tactical aspects has increased, becoming elements that condition the performance in certain sports, for example: high jump, athletics, attack strategies in basketball or in American football.

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On the other hand, the psychological aspect gives the impression of being concealed, in the sense that although most of the athletes and coaches perceive it as important, few have been interested in how to improve it.

At present, no one doubts that psychological skills play a decisive role in the performance of the athlete , although there is still a certain lack of knowledge of how to train them.

We must consider that psychology has been present in the sport since birth, since the mind and body are inseparable and together they explain the performance of the athletes. The current sport is immersed in a process of evolution, tending to professionalization, where there is a latent interest in finding suitable procedures to achieve maximum performance.

The mental training consists, therefore, in endowing the athletes with a series of psychological strategies such as: attention, memory, visualization, concentration, emotional intelligence, etc .; to acquire the ability to face training and competitions in the best possible way; that is, it is a specific job to increase the performance and well-being of the athlete or sports team. Also contributing to the integral development of the person.

The levels of psychological counseling to athletes are basically 3:

  1. At this level the sports psychologist focuses on solving problems of the athlete such as: problems sleeping before a competition, fear of injury, fear of failure, family problems that affect their performance, among others.
  2. Here we work what is the basic mental training (psychological strategies that allow you to perform better); for example, it is used to prevent problems, control their level of activation, perform visualization exercises, maintain concentration, manage anxiety, prevent sabotage, and so on.
  3. Within this level the high mental performance , that is, the maximum mental control of the athlete, handle any external or internal situation, which would prevent him from having a good performance in training or competitions, here we can mention examples, the noises of the rostrum, the decisions of the referees, the comments in the media, stress; all this, at this level should no longer be an obstacle, but obviously requires a good mental preparation along with their physical training.

The mental preparation of the athletes and sports teams is a factor that can make the difference between losing or winning a competition, but not only includes athletes, but also the coach and its staff. Since they are all part of the team. Remember: MHealthy entity in healthy body .

Information: Adriana Ortíz Barraza / psychoanalyst of the SPM