Food addiction

The addiction to food is increasingly recognized as a real condition that has similarities with Binge , but that also has its unique characteristics.

According to research published on CNN, both in humans and animals, excess consumption of foods and the dependence to other types of substances, such as drug , the alcohol and the nicotine, They have similar changes in body chemistry.

In addition, they share similar characteristics of the alterations to the conduct They include loss of control and continued use, despite being aware of the negative consequences.

Unfortunately, as with other substances that are abused, the food It is necessary to survive.

According to the Food Addiction Scale developed by Yale University, many foods in the modern era are "developed to kidnap the brain."

The earlier you consume those foods , the worse the result will be, so children are at risk of their properties addictive at an early age in particular, which may result in obesity of many of them.

In terms of treatment, modern approaches to addiction , as the therapy of the conduct cognitive and 12-step programs, may be necessary, particularly if you have any of the following behaviors several times a week or more:

1. As in spite of the fact that I am no longer hungry. 2. I worry about reducing certain foods . 3. I feel slow or tired from eating too much. 4. I spend my time dealing with the negative feelings of overeating some foods Instead of spending time in important activities such as being with family, with friends, at work or having fun. 5. I have symptoms of abstinence as agitation or anxiety when I reduce or eliminate certain foods (not including drinks with caffeine ). 6. My behavior with respect to foods or to eat causes me great discomfort. 7. Issues related to foods and eating, diminish my ability to function effectively (daily routine, work, school, social or family activities, health problems).

If these points reflect your daily habits and behaviors, then if you present a food addiction . If therapy is not an option for you, there are three tips that may help you overcome thisaddiction : Never allow yourself to become too hungry; limit the temptations that lead to overeating, and try to eat with a diet rich in nutrients and that it be low in sugar, saturated fats and processed foods.

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Video Medicine: Break Your Sugar Addiction in 10 Days (April 2024).