Prevention of heart attacks through good nutrition

The teacher Erick Estrada Lugo, director of Herbal formulas of the Chapingo Autonomous University (UACH), ensures that the best way to avoid most of the diseases , among them heart attacks, is through a change in our lifestyle; especially with regard to our eating habits.

The health expert states that the culprits of the ailments are the products of animal origin, since these are concentrated in a significant amount of toxins that cause reactions in humans that can be very dangerous.

This does not mean that we should suspend the consumption of meat or dairy products , but consume them as little as possible and combine them with raw vegetables, fruits, legumes, seeds and some nuts such as walnuts or almonds. With this, the levels of saturated fats decrease and the risk of suffering heart attacks is reduced considerably.

The genetic factor

According to research conducted at the center of natural medicine Herbal formulas , the heart attacks , in a large number of cases, they depend in some way on genetic factors. According to the results of a study conducted on 2 thousand infarcted patients, those belonging to the blood group type A positive , are, by far, the most likely to suffer some kind of heart attack (5% of the Mexican population has this type of blood); followed by those of type O positive , but in much less quantity. These results were presented at the first congress organized by the National Institute of Genomic Medicine .

This means that those who are more exposed to heart attacks should be much more careful in their diet and lifestyle, in order to reduce these risks.

Video Medicine: Heart Disease Prevention: The Impact of Diet and Exercise on Heart Health; By David Maron, MD (April 2024).