Positive effects on sleep

Swiss researchers say that a small session of hypnosis could help have a dream more repairing and greater quality .

The study shows that after listening to a Audio with suggestive content and hypnotic , who are "highly suggestible" to the hypnosis they spend less time awake and around 80% remain with a deep sleep , compared with those who sleep without the hypnotic suggestion.


There have been many reports that the hypnosis It can be a good way to promote dream ", says the co-author of the study, Bjorn Rasch, professor of the department of psychology in the division of Sicobiology and Methods at the University of Freiburg in Switzerland .


Positive effects on sleep

This is the first investigation in evaluating the activity of brain waves and its effects with hypnosis to demonstrate the positive effects it has on the deep sleep .

This type of dream often correlates with the most restorative sleep, plus, it's time for the brain process the information and be strengthened to solve the challenges of the day, explained Kim Hutchinson, assistant professor of Neurology and Sleep Medicine at Oregon Health and Science University in Portland .

"With age, the amount of dream deep falls significantly and is not restorative. This is a very common complaint when people reach their 50s and 60s and one of the reasons may be that they do not get enough signal from slow waves ", He said Hutchison .

The research team ensures that the activity of slow waves during the phase of dream deep is "significantly greater" as a result of this technique, this suggests that not only hypnosis It helps to increase the amount of sleeping hours, it can also improve the quality of them.

And given that it is believed that approximately half of the population in the world tends to be moderately suggestible to the hypnosis , the researchers consider that this could be a very useful technique in the treatments, free of side effects.


Rasch says: these results are promising yet there is no conclusive evidence that the hypnosis will help people who suffer from disorders of the dream . I would say yes, but it has not been proven yet, "he added.

So the hypnosis It can be useful, even for non-sensitive patients, since they have what to focus on, which helps you relax and calm your mind before you sleep. Would you like to try this method to have a higher quality dream?

Video Medicine: The Importance of Sleep: 8 Scientific Health Benefits of Sleep + Sleeping Tips (April 2024).