New vaccine for heroin addiction

The Journal of Medicinal Chemistry reported that the Dr. Kim D. Janda together with his team discovered and tested a new vaccine that may serve as an alternative mechanism to help addicted people with the abstinence process against heroin.

Although there are different types of behavioral therapies and medicines that help patients withstand the Withdrawal symptoms for this drug; most experience relapses, little access to treatment or develop unpleasant side effects to overcome these challenges.

The report explains why this potential vaccine is an improvement over other drugs against detoxification ; Regarding this, Dr. Kim Janda commented "this vaccine stimulates the recovery of immune system to mitigate the psychoactive effects of heroin in the event of a relapse, making it a useful tool to combat addiction against heroin "It should be noted that this same group of researchers have already worked on vaccines against cocaine, methamphetamines and nicotine.

Withdrawal syndrome, the main obstacle in the treatment to stop heroin

The abrupt interruption and without treatment of the consumption of this drug, can cause severe physical problems

  1. abdominal cramps
  2. agitation
  3. insomnia
  4. anorexy
  5. tearing
  6. anxiety
  7. muscle spasms
  8. diarrhea
  9. threw up
  10. joint pains
  11. Myalgia (severe muscle pain)
  12. runny nose
  13. fever
  14. taquiapnea (arrhythmic and accelerated breathing)
  15. hypertension
  16. yawns
  17. irritability

In short, the treatment of detoxification of heroin without medical management and a level of adequate care constitutes a great risk to the Health and for the quality of life of patients.

This new tool, which is not yet released to the market, opens the doors in the fight against addictions , Dr. Kim Janda's laboratory is currently investigating whether the use of the vaccine could be extended to opioid additions (opium, morphine) in general.