
This is one of the big questions when we talk about doing exercise and its effectiveness. Although you do not believe the schedule influences, that's why we tell you if it is better to exercise in the morning or at night .

The two factors that influence this are the circadian rhythm and the biological factor.

You can also see: 5 tips to resume your exercise routine

The circadian rhythm It is what determines when a person feels better to exercise, this depends on performance to perform their daily activities.

The biological factor depends on blood pressure, blood flow and body temperature to perform physical activity .



Experts recommend exercising away from meal times to have better weight control.

In the morning it favors people who do it regularly exercise or already have a routine. Likewise, many people prefer exercise in the morning since they say they have more energy and the performance is better.



When you do exercise at night , hormone levels and body temperature reach their maximum level.

According to investigations of the University of Chicago This allows you to demand more from your body and the results are better.

However, at night the body can feel tired from the activities of the whole day. This will depend on each body.

What is a fact is that when you do exercise at night you rest better, the adrenaline that is released during the exercise benefits to have a good rest.

¿It is better to exercise in the morning or at night ? Everything will depend on your body and what makes you feel better, if you perform your physical activities correctly the performance will be satisfactory at any time.


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