5 pandemics for the end of the world

We are a few days from the end of the world, as the Mayan Prophecy points out. However, human beings have always found themselves at the edge of the end of the world, for example, pandemics of the past .

Forgotten, or imprisoned in the clinical books, these diseases were responsible, at the time, to bring the apocalypse to thousands of people in the world. But can they still hurt? The specialists claim that they are practically disappeared, but it is this factor that makes us more vulnerable because in our genetics we do not have any defense against them.

Among the deadliest pandemics in history are:

Bubonic Plague It killed 25 million people, a quarter of the entire population of Europe. The plague devastated the population in three ways: bubonic, pneumonic and septicemic.

Smallpox. Disease caused by the variola virus. It was the great aleada of the Spaniards at the time of the conquest.

Spanish flu. Caused by a strain called H1N1, subtype of the Influenza A virus. Total deaths are estimated between 40 and 50 million.

Anger. The WHO has counted seven pandemics. Until 1860 there were 15 million dead in India and two million in Russia.

These pandemics are part of the past, but like all viruses, they can mutate and return. The extinction of humanity will occur at any given time, but it may be that pandemic of the past be the cause of it.

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