They find link between alcoholism and obesity

People who have a history of alcoholism in your family you may be changing your addiction to drinks by food with high levels of calories , which only increases the epidemic obesity world, publishes the news agency Reuters

The Washington University in St. Louis, E.U, points out that both alcoholic drinks Like junk food binges, they stimulate the same parts of the brain , people with a genetic predisposition to alcoholism is replacing the alcohol for food. Especially in the case of women , indicates the report.

The Dr. Richard Gruzca , researcher of the study, and his team, compared addiction and tendency to obesity in an investigation carried out in the nineties and with another carried out in the years 2001 and 2002. Nearly 80 thousand people participated in the two studies.

The results found that in the years 2001 and 2002, women with a history of alcoholism they were 49% more prone to suffer obesity, than those who did not have the predisposition to alcohol. The same happened in men, but to a lesser degree, indicates the study published by the Archives of General Psychiatry.

Gruzca said the study suggests that the genetic predisposition of alcoholism and obesity could be due to changes in the environment, such as increased consumption of junk food .

Currently two pharmaceutical companies in the United States are awaiting the approval of the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for what would be the first tablet for the weightloss in the last decade. The objective of the tablet is decrease cravings , curb appetite and boost a better metabolism.