Mexicanas are the second place in the world in tobacco consumption

The World Health Organization (WHO) ensures that the consumption of tobacco It grows every day among society, since there are more than one billion smokers in the world. In addition, the smoking among women it is increasing, especially in the Mexican women, who occupy the second place in the world.

In the framework of the commemoration of World No Tobacco Day , the National Institute of Public Health ensures that Mexico spends more than 75 billion pesos annually in the care of diseases related to smoking . Meanwhile, in the consumption of snuff, a person spends on average five thousand 110 pesos a year.

But, have you asked yourself, what is the smoking ? How does it affect people? What are cigarettes made up of? or how does tobacco use become addicted? In an interview for GetQoralHealth , Dr. Lilia Isabel Ramírez García, in charge of the Clinic of help to stop smoking of the FESI, solves all these doubts:

The WHO mentions that tobacco consumption causes the death of 5.4 million people each year, that is, a smoker dies every 6.5 seconds. The main causes of the deaths are: pulmonary emphysema , heart attack , stroke, diseases in the respiratory tract, trachea cancer , among others.

The age of greatest risk to start tobacco consumption is between 15 and 19 years; However, in Mexico this bad habit begins between 13 and 14 years. Most do it out of curiosity, imitation, seeking acceptance by friends, couples or relatives.

Although you avoid the consumption of snuff, being surrounded by people who do you can suck 4,722 substances, of which 400 are toxic, 45 carcinogenic and 12 are deadly gases. So ask for respect for smoke-free areas.